Restoration Retention: How Long Do Fillings Last?

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_tutin @ 12:42 pm
Model tooth next to blue alarm clock on a pale blue background

If you’ve had a cavity in recent years, there’s a good chance your dentist repaired the damage with a tooth-colored filling. Unlike the amalgam metallic fillings of the past, this bio-compatible material bonds with your enamel to restore your tooth’s structure. That means your dentist doesn’t have to remove as much of your enamel to ensure that it remains in place. Plus, it can be customized to match your natural hue, so no one will notice it’s there.

It’s natural to wonder how long you can expect your restoration to last if you’ve learned that you need a filling. Continue reading to learn more about what kind of timeline to anticipate!
